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Artist Bio

Abigail "Abbi" Rose is an active performer and teacher/choreographer in the Fox Cities area in central Wisconsin, who always endeavors to tell a uniquely personal narrative through art and performance.

Abbi graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point in May of 2023 with a major in dance and a minor in creative writing. She grew up in central Wisconsin and trained at Barb's Centre for Dance prior to her studies at the university, working in dance styles such as ballet, tap, jazz, lyrical, modern, contemporary, musical theater, hip hop, pointe, Latin ballroom, and acro.

Within her studies at the university, Abbi was regularly able to study under the instruction of Jeannie Hill, Michael Estanich, Sarah Olson, Pamela Luedke, Joan Karlen, and Amy Beversdorf, learning more in the styles of ballet, modern, jazz, tap, and theater dance, as well as completeing several theory courses including composition, movement analysis, dance history, and teaching theories. Abbi was also able to broaden her experiences through UWSP's master classes, gaining additional experience in hip hop with Aysha Upchurch, tap and percussion with Max Pollak and Heather Cornell, dancing for film with Kim McDaniel, and improvisation with Nois Quartet. Prior to coming to Stevens Point, Abbi regularly attended Jump Dance Convention in Chicago which allowed her to work with other talented artists including Nick Lazarini, Mike Minery, Andrew Winghart, Katy Spreadbury, Kirsten Russel, Nika Kljun, Melanie Moore, and more.

Throughout her studies, Abbi's passion to share stories, both personal and made up, grew exponentially and continued to guide her in creating and performing. She continues to hope that she can make a positive impact through her passion and strives to achieve this through her post-graduate teaching and choreography, as well as through various written works.

In addition to her dancing, Abbi was given the opportunity to work for the student-run undergraduate press, Cornerstone Press, as part of the media department for nearly two years; from September 2021 up until summer 2023. In summer of 2022, she rose into the position of director of the media department, where she remained until her time with Cornerstone was set to end. During that time, she managed the press' social media accounts and designed graphics and photos for the Press. This time spent with Cornerstone Press offered many opportunities to learn about the world of promotions, something that Abbi hopes to continue working in beyond graduation.

Abbi currently teaches at Barb's Centre for Dance in both the Green Bay and Fox Valley studio locations, teaching ages 2-18. She teaches numerous styles she has trained in and works with both recreational and competitive dance students. She also continues to offer her time to work side stage during performances as a stagehand. In time, Abbi hopes to introduce classes at the dance studio dedicated to improvisation and dancemaking to open her students to a more creative dance perspective.

In recent years, Abbi has also taken an interest in the art of modeling and has started reaching out to various photographers in the Fox Valley to expand both her portfolio and theirs. While she specializes in dance modeling, she has experience in casual modeling and cosplay modeling, and hopes to broaden her experience into additional forms of modeling in time.

Choreography Portfolio

Examples of Previous Projects

Abbi has been inspiring others with a personal set of skills and talent since 2019. Continuously expanding and fine-tuning a body of work, Abbi strives to make a difference and touch people through every project and performance. To learn more about her artistry, abilities, and accomplishments, get in touch today.


"Living Memories"


When devising this piece, I was inspired by the concept of memories and how they make up who we are today. We all have our own memories that guide us each day moving forward, and each day we have the opportunity to make new memories with those around us. Throughout the process of creating this piece, each dancer was able to relive old memories and make new ones along the way. Even now, this performance has become a memory, but it was one that was made together with those around us. So for today, we celebrate memories.

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In a world full of darkness and confusion, all it takes is one light to guide us onward. Be the beacon that guides someone in the night.

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"Terrible Fate"


My first foray into creating a longer dance work, A Terrible Fate follows the fate of the children who enter the dark forests, never to return.

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